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Our Story

"Passion for excellence" is one of those fancy tag lines thrown around in the corporate world. For the past 6 years, those tag lines have been a reality rather than a marketing stunt in the corporate empire of India through the blood, sweat and grit of two brothers. Simple as it may seem, two people with the right vision can lead to empires being built. Think of Rome and the two brothers. Our two brothers start their journey in Chennai during 2015. The genesis of our company was indeed the sheer determination and vision of our founders. We started out amongst the young minds of our country at college level. Training their talents at the same time figuring out ways to improve our services. Through diligent and precise analysis of our own track records, we came to the conclusion that our training and moulding skills can also benefit a much younger crowd. We turned our attention to the exciting world of school children. Finding success at that level encouraged us to keep pushing and today we have extended our services across a spectrum of candidates ranging from school children to corporate giants and even non-governmental organisations. With our growing clientele we also outgrew our home turf in Chennai, Tamil Nadu to establish our company in the neighbouring state of Kerala and other prime locations that lacked our services. While one brother focussed on soft skills, The second brother was all about health and physical training. This is how we make sure that our clients are mentally and physically prepared for being the best. Excellence in any single field is itself a hard task. Our founders decided to up the game and make our clients excellent and prepared for any kind of responsibilities, not just a single field. Here, we train our clients to rise above the competition and become the first choice in any crowd.

Why SPS Academy

OUR MISSION To develop exclusive & customized training programs to impart the best personality and communication skills for our trainees to excel in their careers besides being responsible citizens. OUR VISION To impart training and cater to every training need in all 5 verticals, and facilitate free training/coaching to the deserving students for their upliftment in career and life.

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